What is the ECX?

The ECX is a marketplace where buyers and sellers of agricultural commodities can trade with quality, delivery, and payment assurance.

Established in 2008, it is the first of its kind in Africa, aiming to:

  • Provide a transparent and efficient market system for all actors
  • Protect the rights and interests of farmers and traders
  • Promote development and modernization of the agricultural sector
  • Contribute to food security and economic growth
ECX floor

What commodities are traded on the ECX?

The ECX trades various commodities like coffee, sesame, wheat, and beans, each with specified quality standards. It provides grading, weighing, certifying, and storing services through its integrated warehouse system.

How does the ECX trading system work?

The ECX matches buyers and sellers in real-time based on price and quantity using an electronic trading platform. The platform operates in morning and afternoon sessions with different contracts and commodities.

How does the ECX warehouse system work?

The ECX ensures quality and quantity through its warehouse system, providing grading, weighing, certifying, and storing services. It consists of 55 warehouses with modern facilities and technologies.

How does the ECX payment system work?

The ECX guarantees delivery and payment through its clearing and settlement system, ensuring funds and commodities transfer within 24 hours using a Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) mechanism.